Trao Ballanka

Trao Ballanka

Trao Ballanka is the crown prince to the Royal House of Ballanka of the Trio de Colus and the cousin of Rupus Ballanka. A personal friend of Emperor Colus XXIII, losing his friend during the Colus/Hagooda war changed him. He regrets not being born as a headliner and laments his inability to assist in the defense of the empire. Trao Ballanka becomes king of the House of Ballanka in 3021 and takes former Mirage Knight Sharie Randers as his wife. He first met Sharie Randers at the grave of her brother Paurouth Randers. Trao was a very close friend of Paurouth and took his death in the Colus/Hagooda War quite hard. Trao and Sharie’s descendants will survive far into the future of the Joker Galaxy.

As king of Ballanka, he and Sharie tutor and assist Colus XXIV.

Editor’s Note: A page in Knight Flags displays a Colus family tree that states Trao is Rupus’ younger brother.


Special thanks to Nu Soard Graphite for the character profile.